Friday, January 26, 2007

Swing Fridays and Jesus

Every Friday here at Hillsdale is swing club. Before I came, I had never learned any dance, but now Clara, Amy, Natalie, and I go every week, and it's so fun. It's a nice thing to look forward to on the last, tired day of the week, and it's so fun to see people and dance together!
Tonight we learned the Shag, which is a lot like East Coast swing, but I think it's more fun. We were there for three hours; one of those hours was a shag lesson, and the other two was just dancing. Natalie's amazing, so she got a lot of dances, and Clara's just learning but she's also good, and she got plenty; Amy's adorable and is also learning, and she got several dances, including several in a row when Tom and Keaton were teaching her. I danced with the girls when they weren't dancing with guys- I'm still learning almost everything, and I don't have Clara and Natalie's natural ability, so I didn't get any dances until the end of the dance, when Tom asked me to dance. He asked if I knew the lindy, which I don't, because I missed that week, and so he just started dancing... I followed and had a blast, just following what he led, and I didn't realize until the dance was over and I watched he and Clara do the same thing that he'd just taught me the lindy! Unfortunately I didn't know that so I doubt I could do it again! Unless it's with Tom. Next week i'll just have him teach me again.
Being "resuced" from a sad lack of dances by Tom started me thinking about how Jesus rescues us. We wait around, hoping for some kind of dance to come along, and then He comes and shows us something we never knew. Suddenly our perception of what is amazing is changed, and we fall in love with the Perfect One. The song we danced to was Accidentally In Love, which I think is fitting, because just like you don't really accidentally fall in love but rather discover how wonderful your new love is, God knows we'll fall in love with Him if we'll accept Him. That is not to say I'm in love with Tom, of course, but that I am in love with God! I pray that I will not be distracted by lesser joys, but rather hold onto what I know is best.


Kat said...

I am so glad that you have your own blog now, Michal! I am looking forward to visiting it :). Your swing lessons sound like a lot of fun! Love you lots, Katie

James Diggs said...

Yes yes yes, more love for God and less love for this “Tom” fellow…lol, just kidding! I was just trying to say something that would seem very “uncle-ish” of me.

Your dance analogy is a great one; I think there are many ways our romance with God can be likened to a dance. It is too bad that a section of American church culture has such an aversion for dance; they probably can’t appreciate the analogy.

Anyway, I think your aunt Karrie and I should go take some dance lessons so we can “get down with our bad selves” at the wedding when you and this “Tom” guy get married. lol Well if it doesn’t work out between you two I’d still like to learn to swing dance with my wife before we get too old.

Anyway, your blog made me smile Michal, keep studying, dancing, and seeking after Jesus! Oh…and say hi to Tom for me ;)


Michal said...

To clarify ;) I'm not in love with Tom. He's my roomie's Greek Buddy and he's hilarious. The end. lol.

Karrie Diggs said...

You tell him Michal! The end! :-) UNCLE Jamey has a flair for the silliness in life. I also think he's in no hurry to share any more neices! HA!
Love you.
Keep dancin'
Aunt Karrie