Wow, I never thought one philosophy paper could be so much trouble! But it's done- well, for now. In a week or two I'll get it back with MANY notes on it, what to fix, what to include in the final draft- thank goodness for teachers who do rough drafts! But this paper has been so hard for me! I am not a philosophy person! I'm also used to coming to a solid conclusion in my papers, which Dr. Stephens did not want us to do- just give the potential for a conclusion. yikes.
Here is what Clara and I thought of this asignment...

But now, since school closes today at noon, it's done and sent in! Yay! This just makes my weekend so much better :-)
I'm going to try to write something for Easter, but in case things get busy, Happy Eater :-)
1 comment:
I am glad for you that your rough draft is out of the way for a while now! What a great communicates the sentiment very well ;). I hope that your easter weekend was a good one. Did you do anything special? He Is Risen!!
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