Tuesday was my first day of actually working at Aero. I like the job! It's pretty easy, but not boring. I like helping customers. :) I don't work too many hours, but hopefully I'll get more as the store gets busier- people are starting to buy clothes now for vacations, and celebrating school being out by shopping ;)
My friend Angie and I have made a weekly habit of having her come over every Wednesday. We watch a movie and usually fall asleep in the middle of it ;) and she brings her lovely Taylor guitar over! Yesterday she and I watched a few episodes of the BBC Robin Hood series, which we love :) it just came out on DVD, so she rented it last week and brought it over yesterday.

And finally, I rode my pony :) It feels so good to be in the saddle again! Okay, maybe my legs are sore ;) but that's a price I'm willing to pay. Six years of work with my little Arabian mare have really payed off, and she's such fun to ride. We just walked, trotted, and cantered in the pasture; once she and I are both fit again, I'll set up jumps- maybe build one or two with some old boards- and we'll have fun with those. Charise and I both love jumping! For now, though, just riding is wonderful. Making friends with my Rebel Man is going well, too- instead of trotting up and biting me, he now waits by the fence and says hello to me when I come out by standing in front of me, and sometimes sniffing my face. It's nice to be friends and not have to be so careful around him now! I'm glad to have such a big, cute gelding, even if he does need some work. I am so blessed!
I sounds like you are having a nice summer, cousin! I am so glad that your new job is going well and that you enjoy it. :) How great to be able to make summer memories with your friend Angie! I haven't seen any of the Robin Hood series...maybe I'll have to check it out.
I am happy that you are able to get back in the saddle again. It must have been so strange while at college to not have that as a constant part of your life! I hope it goes well with Rebel Man. :)
Love you so, Michal. Hoping to see you again soon (a relative word, that is). ::'~ Katie
Thanks for the recommendation of BBC’s Robin Hood; Karrie and will have to add that to our Netflix list. You know maid Marion is in my family tree. :)
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